Slide Travel in Sardinia We create cycling experiences of a lifetime around Sardinia.
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Slide The Best Vacations! Whether you're interested in a beach or a small town, we've narrowed down the best bike vacations in Sardinia based on cycling racing bike alghero View Day Tours Slide EXPLORE YOUR OWN BACKYARD see our rental bikes View Bike for Hire

Sardinia Bike Tours, Adventure Holiday and Top quality rental!

Small Groups - Big Adventures

Explore Day Tours

These great value day tours are perfect to discover Sardinia, we offer top quality ebikes with a brand new fleet every year , friendly and professional guides will make your holiday FUNFORGETTABLE!!!

Explore Multiday Tours

Our multiday bike tours are unique experiences you shouldn't miss. Take a chance to live an awesome holiday in one of the beautiful land of Mediterranean Sea.

Our Bikes

We want to make sure your bike riding experience is top-notch during your visit to Alghero. We guarantee excellence in quality and service!

Electric Bikes

Mountain Bikes

City/Touring Bikes

Road Bikes

"Se volete vivere un esperienza unica in mezzo alla natura incontaminata della Sardegna più bella, rivolgetevi ad Emanuele Biking Sardinia. Ottime biciclette sia da strada sia mtb. Io non vedo l'ora di ritornare ad Alghero!!!"


"This is a TOP notch company. I organized a 9 person 5 day bike trip down the west coast with Wanny, the owner of the company. From my first contact with him, the experience was first class and enjoyable. The communication was clear and responses were almost immediate. The options were very varied. Once on the trip itself it became clear that this was going to be an experience to remember. The e-bikes were new and the latest technology. Wanny came with us and provided a support wagon that came with a fix for anything we might need. A flat tire was fixed, a water bottle or banana was handed out and encouragement and direction was always provided. We couldn’t have received better care. I would recommend Biking Sardinia to any type of biker. From a beginning day biker looking for a 2-3 hour tour, to a multi day trip for a very experienced biker. Do yourself a favor and bike with Bike Sardinia!!!"

Leigh Ski.

"My week of biking with friends on the gorgeous Sardinia coast was absolutely amazing! Wanny, the owner, was incredibly wonderful. He took care of all our details, handled the luggage transfers, and even got our bags into our rooms each night. He made sure that we had dining options as well. The bikes were fantastic and well-maintained. Wanny stopped for a break when we did and gave us water and snacks. He looked out for our safety constantly. I wasn't in top shape for this adventure and so I rode with Wanny several times in his support van. What a charming, patient, and caring man! He is so knowledgeable about his country and shared his joy with all of us. His associates were also marvelous. I highly recommend this company for anyone looking for the adventure of a lifetime"

Kathie B.

"Sardinia Cycling nous a organisé un trait beau circuit en liberté de 12 jours pour 4 cyclistes à partir de Olbia jusqu'à Pula. La sélection des hôtels, des restaurants et la qualité des vélos était au rendez-vous. Simona et Giovani ont été d'une patience exemplaire avec toutes nos questions et nos E-mail avant le départ et durant le voyage. Tout c'est très bien déroulé lors du transfert des bagages entre chaque destination. Stefano a également été très patient lors d'un bris sur un vélo en venant à notre rescousse dès le lendemain matin. Encore un gros merci, vous nous avez fait découvrir une très belle région."


"Diese selbstgeführte Tour folgte der fast unbefahrenen Küstenstrasse von Alghero nach Bosa. Die Abfahrten sind atemberaubend und die Aussicht überwältigend. Ende Dezember ist es recht kalt. Warme Kleidung unerlässlich. Aber an der Sonne und windgeschützt kann es sehr angenehm sein. Mittagspause in Bosa. Der Aufstieg nach cuglieri im Nachmittagslicht ist wunderschön. In cuglieri findet Ende Dezember das anima mundi Festival statt. Zahlreiche Konzerte und viele Möglichkeiten dich gut zu verpflegen. Die Abfahrt am Morgen Richtung Meer ist traumhaft."

Sabina P.
Hi there, this is Wanny at #Biking Sardinia. Today we are in Alghero, discover the special day tour visiting a vineyard tasting the best wine of the area
Hello and welcome to a blog post from Wanny, Biking Sardinia manager. Today we are in Alghero, discover the special day tour our bestseller with the E-Mtb.
My first words about Sardinia and Sardinians (Mountain Biking Tour 17-23 February 2020) : Before...
Hello and welcome to a blog post from Wanny, Biking Sardinia manager. He went on an awesome bike tour to the West Coast, Sardinia, following the popular Alghero-Costa Verde route.
This post has come from Ben "The Bretone" who got in touch to share his travel experience of bicycle touring in Alghero, Sardinia.